Match Conclusions: Gi & NoGi

1- Submission: When an athlete taps, screams or loses consciousness from a legal

submission or hold. In some cases, the referees will stop the match before the tap or

situations where a child might be injured.

2- Required stoppages: uncontrollable bleeding, doctor stoppage, vomiting or loss of

bodily functions.

3- Points: The competitor with the most points at the end of the match is the winner. If the

matches end in a draw the fighter to score last will receive the victory. In the case of a

draw with no points there will be a Sudden Death overtime. If at the conclusion of the

overtime round there is still no score the referee will determine a winner based on most

submission attempts or most action.

4- We do not use an advantage system. 


In the case of a and 0-0 score, competitors enter a 2-minute overtime round.


Number of Rounds:

Matches that conclude with a score of 0-0 will proceed to an overtime round. There is only 1

overtime round, lasting 2 minutes.


The winner is determined by the first competitor to score a point or submit their opponent within

the 1-minute extended period.

End of the Overtime Round:

If there are no points scored or no submission at the end of 2 minutes, the referee will decide

the winner based on their attempts to score.



A competitor that deliberately stalls by not engaging (ie: running away or stalling in guard) will

be warned twice. If the competitor stalls again they will be DQ’d

Point System

To score points, competitors must complete the technique, demonstrate control for 3 sec, and be

free from any submission. If a match is tied at the end the competitor that scored last will be

given the victory

2 - Takedown

2 - Sweep

2 - Knee on Belly

3 - Pass Guard

4 - Mount

4 - Back Mount with hooks

Age Divisions

Competitors are initially grouped by age. If there are not enough competitors of the

same age, the competitor will be placed in a division no greater than 1 birth year above their

own age. For example, Age divisions can be grouped by 1 year: 2008-2009, 2010-2011, 2012-2013,


Belt Divisions

We simplify belt division to guarantee matches for the competitors.

White Belt - White belts only.

Grey: Grey/White, Solid Grey, Grey-Black

Yellow: Yellow/White, Solid Yellow, Yellow/Black

Orange: Orange/White, Solid Orange, Orange/Black

Green: Green/White, Solid Green, Green/Black

If there are not enough competitors of the same division, the competitor could be placed in a belt

division no greater than 1 rank difference of their own.

Weight Class

up to 35 lbs

up to 45 lbs

up to 55lbs

up to 65 lbs

up to 75 lbs

up to 85 lbs

up to 95 lbs

up to 105 lbs

up to 115 lbs

up to 125 lbs

up to 135 lbs

up to 145 lbs

up to 155 lbs

up to 165 lbs

up to 175 lbs

up to 185 lbs